Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapy for Sports Injuries

traditional chinese medicine

The combination of both TCM and orthopaedic management may provide even better results when it comes to sports injury management as this allows the injury to be managed in a balanced and objective manner, combining the benefits of both conventional and traditional medicine.

The Importance of the Meniscus to Knee Function

meniscus injury

The knee is one of the most complex joints in the human body, and plays a crucial role in nearly all athletic activities. Consequently, the knee is highly susceptible to injuries, especially in sporting activities.

Potential Consequences Of Delaying Orthopaedic Treatments

Delaying orthopaedic treatments can lead to long-term pain and complications. Learn why seeking timely care for conditions like joint dislocations and fractures is crucial for healing, pain management, and maintaining mobility.

How To Prevent Neck Stiffness When Sleeping

Have you ever woken up and experienced unexpected pain brought on by a stiff neck? This can be the result of the position you sleep in as well as the type of pillow you may be using.

Full Body Workout At Home

full body workout

If you are looking to get your heart rate up and to break out a sweat, working out at home can be just as effective as going to the gym. Without the need to use any fancy equipment or to travel beyond your bedroom, you can get just as strenuous a workout done. In fact, you can use your own bodyweight to strengthen and train every muscle in your body.

“Circuit Breaker” Measures – When To See A Doctor

circuit breaker

It is important to remember although you are staying home, you should be wary of any symptoms you may be having that may require medical attention. Some symptoms are telltale signs of medical emergencies that could have far reaching effects and should not be ignored.

If you experience any of the following symptoms you should consult with a doctor.

Body Pain Caused By Working From Home

body pain

Have you been experiencing more aches and pains since you started working from home? While you may typically think pain occurs from some type of strenuous activity, your sedentary desk job may well be the reason for it.

Many of you may find yourselves spending increasingly more time in front of a computer screen at your desks. Where you previously managed to get some physical activity from your daily commutes, working from home has lessened physical activity.

Work From Home – Do I Need To Exercise?

work from home

You may find yourself living more sedentary lives now that you are working from home full time. As commuting is no longer necessary for many, your daily steps may have drastically reduced and it is more important than ever to engage in physical activity. Exercising boosts the immune system and contributes to mental health which can increase productivity both at work and at home.

Working from Home – Maintaining fitness


While working from home may have been a regular arrangement for some, a lot of people are just now adjusting to the changes in their daily routines. Your new working arrangements also mean finding new ways to ensure you are keeping healthy and fit.