How Does Poor Posture Affect Your Spine?

Picture of Medically reviewed by Dr Sean Leo

Medically reviewed by Dr Sean Leo

Orthopedic Surgeon, MBBS • MRCS (Edin) • MMed (Ortho) • FRCSEd (Ortho)

spine posture

When you’re at work, you slouch in your chair after lunch because you either feel sleepy or you’re in a hurry to finish your deadlines before the day ends.

When you get home, you want to watch TV or read a book while relaxing on a sofa.

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Have you ever noticed that your back is hunched forward while you do any of the aforementioned activities? Most of us don’t notice that poor posture affects our spine.

How is Poor Posture Responsible for Your Back Pain?

You may feel most comfortable when you’re leaning forward but this can be seriously bad for your spine in the long run.

After a few hours, you might feel slight pain in your back which is a minor inconvenience. Over the span of a few years, this can evolve into functional changes in your spine.

This can lead to permanent back pain, affecting your blood vessels and nerves. As time progresses, you may notice that the strain from poor posture may cause issues in your muscles, joints, and discs.

Symptoms of a Poor Posture

Here are a few common signs of poor posture:

• Severe back pain on a daily basis

• Pain that originates in your neck and runs down your back

• Pain when switching positions

Here’s How Poor Posture Affects Your Spine

Let’s take a look 5 common side effects of poor posture.

1. Headaches

spine posture

While there are many different kinds of headaches, cervicogenic headaches start in your neck, leading to pain in your head.

2. Pelvic Pain

Pelvic floor dysfunction is common when you have poor posture, causing difficulties during intercourse and urinary retention.

spine posture

Frequently stretching during the day can be a simple way to improve your posture.

3. Digestive Problems

Bad posture can contribute to severe stomach issues like heartburn and acidity.

4. Fatigue

Your posture can directly affect fatigue. Postural deficits lead to alignment changes and can bring about pain, making it difficult for you to sleep.

If you are facing these issues consistently, consulting an orthopedic surgeon may help in alleviating your discomfort.

Speak to Dr Sean Today!

Drop us a message and we will get in touch with you to discuss your needs and arrange for a personal consultation. If you require assistance immediately, you may Whatsapp us at +65 8439 2120. 


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OrthoKinetics is lised on major insurance panels. Our clinic staff are experienced in assisting your
insurance policy claims (personal accident, hospitalisation, or travel) from other companies as well.


Insurance Panels & Claims

OrthoKinetics is lised on major insurance panels. Our clinic staff are experienced in assisting your insurance policy claims (personal accident, hospitalisation, or travel) from other companies as well.
Great Eastern Insurance
Prudential Insurance
Alliance Medinet
MHC Insurance


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