What To Do If You Are Prone To Ankle Injuries?

The ankle joint works as a hinge between your lower leg bones and foot, enabling upward and downward movements of the foot as well as a slight degree of rotation. This limited range of movement is supported by the ligaments around the joint that help to keep the bones in place and provide balance. Because of its limited range of movements, a sudden change in direction, speed of movement, or even walking on uneven surfaces can cause ankle injuries. An ankle injury typically occurs when the ligaments around the ankle are stretched or torn which can result in pain and swelling. It is important to allow injuries to heal adequately to avoid repeated injury to the ankle.

Reasons Your Ankles Might be Weak

  1. Repeated Injuries

In instances of repeated injuries, each new injury can further weaken the ligaments and potentially cause long term problems in the ankle joint. Such ankle injuries can be less severe like sprains and strains or more severe like fractures or dislocation of the joint. It is important that every injury is assessed by a physician so the best treatment plan can be determined.

2. Chronic Ankle Instability

Some injuries may result in chronic ankle instability where the ankle joint repeatedly sprains or gives way. This can result in an unstable, swollen, and painful joint. To treat chronic ankle instability, your physician may recommend physiotherapy coupled with the use of a brace and prescription medication.

3. Osteoarthritis

While osteoarthritis typically affects older individuals, it may also occur at any age. This usually occurs when the protective cartilage surrounding joints starts to wear down, eventually causing a weakened ankle joint, instability, or reduced ability to move the joint. Treatment for osteoarthritis may include exercises to strengthen the joint, the use of braces or prescription medication such as anti-inflammatories.

Ways to Strengthen Your Ankles

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In order to prevent injuries and to strengthen your ankles, you can try some of the following:

1.       Strengthening Your Core

In order to prevent falls or ankle sprains, incorporate core-strengthening exercises to your routine. Weak hip muscles can result in poor knee and foot alignment which in turn can result in rolling ankles and injuries such as sprains.

2.       Stretching Regularly

Performing simple stretches before exercising can prevent injuries at the ankle joint. In the absence of stretching, the ankle ligaments do not have much mobility and are more likely to sprain.

3.       Taking it Easy

In order to prevent injuries, it is best to slowly and progressively increase your physical activity. This encourages the strengthening of your ankle joint before any strenuous exercises.

Some Exercises That Will Help


Core exercises:

  1. Begin by standing on one leg for 20-second intervals, repeating 3 - 5 times on each leg to improve your balance and strengthen your leg muscles.

  2. While standing with feet hip-distance apart, begin by raising yourself onto the tips of your toes, holding this position for 10 seconds before lowering your heels, repeating approximately 8 times. 


  1. While sitting with your legs straightened out, hold on to either side of a towel and place its rolled surface under the ball of your foot. While maintaining a straightened knee, pull the towel towards you, each time holding this stretch for approximately 15 seconds, and repeat 3 - 5 times. 

  2. Stand straight while facing a wall, position the leg you intend to stretch one step behind the other. With your back heel firmly on the ground, bend the front knee until you feel a stretch in the back leg. Hold the stretched position for approximately 15 seconds each time, and repeat 3 -5 times on both legs. 

If you are currently experiencing an ankle injury or recovering from an old injury, please consult with your doctor.  

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