How to Correct Poor Posture

Don’t be a slouch, straighten up! 

Did you know that good posture can have a positive impact on your health?

Keeping good posture not only improves your confidence, but it also helps in decreasing the likelihood of injury. 


Constantly slouching puts pressure on your organs and muscles, adds stress to your spine and puts a strain on your joints. From headaches and back pain to rotator cuff injuries, poor posture can negatively impact your life.

In simple words, fixing poor posture can aid in the improvement of many health issues. 

People find it hard or even feel weird keeping good posture. This is because we have gotten accustomed to poor posture as we spend most of our time slouching.

Here are a few exercises that will help your posture.

Stretch your muscles 

Your muscles become fatigued and weary when you’re trapped in one position for too long.

Stand with your feet slightly apart, place hands on your back with your fingers pointing downward and lean back as far as you can, holding a few seconds. Repeat this a few times. 

Exercise stretches

When exercising, the goal is to improve your flexibility and increase muscle movement. The focus should be keeping your back straight, hips and chest out and your core tight.


Core strengthening is the key 

Core muscles help you sit and stand tall. Yoga is a great way to increase core strength because you use skilfully controlled movements to hold each position.

Create a proper setup


Stand tall, sit upright! Keep these two things in mind at all times. Either at your workstation, in a car, standing, walking, or talking to anyone, keep our back straight and relaxed. 

It is always important to consult an orthopaedist if pain persists.


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