Is Cracking Your Back Bad For Your Spine?

You wake up in the morning feeling a little tired. So you twist your neck and spine until you feel those relieving pops running down your back.

Sounds familiar? There’s just something so satisfying about cracking your back. 


Most of us have jobs that include spending long hours sitting, leading to sore joints. And this is the reason why it’s so gratifying and soothing to crack your back. 

Sometimes, it’s almost as if cracking your back is the only way to relieve your sore muscles. In fact, studies have shown that up to 45% of people crack at least one of the joints in their body on a daily basis.

How the spine works

You spine runs down the center of your back. It holds your entire body together and acts as the ‘backbone’ for your body. The spine protects your spinal cord, which are the nerves in charge for transmitting messages to all parts of your body. 


When you put force on your joints, it causes pressure to build up and turn into dissolved gases, mostly carbon dioxide.

Doing an extreme stretch shifts these gases and produce a “cracking” sound as they dissipate. Does that make cracking harmful for you? 

Let’s find out!

Why does the back crack in the first place? 

Doctors are not truly able to explain why the back cracks as there are many reasons for back cracking. Often it is believed to be the result of gases such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide being put under compression in the joints of your spine and forming bubbles.

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These gases come from a lubricant inside your joints which helps them glide smoothly.  To put it simply, your joints make a cracking sound when a bubble forms. 

Is cracking bad for your spine?

The answer is no, technically. However, regular and frequent cracking is a whole different story.

Since the elements in your spine are far more complicated and vital than those in your knuckles, it can be dangerous to put unnecessary pressure on your spine frequently and regularly. Easy and light stretches are the way to go if you want to decrease the tension in your back muscles. 

As elaborated, cracking your back may not cause any major damage to your bones and joints. However, if you constantly feel the need to do it, consult your doctor as it may lead to severe damage or pain in your lower back.


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