The meniscus is a piece of cartilage that provides a cushion between your thigh bone and shinbone. Each knee joint has two menisci. The meniscus can be damaged or torn during activities when extra pressure is put on the knees.
Athletes or those who play sports frequently are at a higher risk of meniscus tears.
Symptoms of Meniscus Tear
If you experience the following, you may have a meniscus tear.
A popping sensation
Pain, swelling and stiffness
Difficulty extending and stretching
Instability when standing
Treatment of Meniscus Tear
Non-Surgical Treatments
Rest: Take a break from all the physical activities for a few days. Avoid putting extra weight on the affected leg.
Ice: Apply cold packs for 20 minutes, three times a day over the swelling. Do not apply ice directly to the skin.
Compression: Wear an elastic compression bandage to prevent additional swelling and blood loss.
Medication: Over-the-counter medication like ibuprofen are effective anti-inflammatories.
Surgical Treatment
If the pain persists, your doctor may suggest arthroscopic surgery for your knee.
Conservative treatment may be enough to relieve the pain of a torn meniscus, but it is important to consult with an Orthopaedic surgeon to prevent further complications.