While working from home may have been a regular arrangement for some, a lot of people are just now adjusting to the changes in their daily routines. Your new working arrangements also mean finding new ways to ensure you are keeping healthy and maintaining fitness.




Making sure you exercise not only keeps you physically active and healthy, but it can also produce a chemical in your brain that reduces your stress levels. Reduced stress levels could in turn improve your quality of sleep and overall mental health and fitness.

Simple Stretches To Do

If you are incredibly busy and spend much of your time at your desk, taking small breaks to do quick stretching routines could help boost your productivity levels. Taking breaks for short spurts allows your body and mind to recuperate so you resume work with a clear mind and are more productive.




Here are some simple stretches to get you started:

Seated Leg Raise

This move helps build core strength while stretching your legs. This exercise also lowers the risk of back injuries which could occur from sitting with back posture for extended periods of time. To begin, sit upright in your chair and lift one leg at a time, parallel to the floor, holding the position for fifteen seconds. Repeat this move ten times for each leg.

Calf Raise

When you incorporate this move into your regular stretching routine, over time you will increase the strength and stability of your ankles. This can be done by first standing with both legs firmly on the ground and placing your hands by your sides. When you are ready, lift yourself up onto the tips of your toes before lowering yourself down again. Repeat this move ten to twelve times for three sets.

Neck and wrist stretches 

You should make a habit of stretching your neck and wrists out every hour or two. This will help ease some of the tension that builds up from working at a computer all day.



To begin, you can do slow rotations by first lowering your head before slowly rotating it to one side. When you are ready, roll your head back, facing the ceiling and once again rotate it to the other side. Repeat this move three to five times.

To stretch your wrists, lift your palms towards the ceiling and rotate them inwards in circular motions, repeating this move five times. When you are ready, you can interlock your fingers, and stretch your arms towards the ceiling, holding the position for three seconds. Repeat this move five times.

Try to incorporate regular stretching into your work routine while you are seated at your desk every day to improve your overall flexibility and to increase your muscle strength. As with all exercises or stretches, if injury occurs or if you have persistent pain, please consult with your doctor.

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