Staying physically active is encouraged but it comes with the risk of injuries. Concern about the risk of sports related injuries is growing day by day.
Sports injuries can be any type of injury ranging from bruises to sprains to even serious conditions like fractured bones to a concussion.
Usually, people think they are only likely to be injured if they participate in extreme sports, like diving or skateboarding. However, it is possible to be injured while playing common forms of sports.
The most common form of injuries sustained from playing basketball are sprains.
While lower limb injuries like ankle sprains, knee injuries, and leg/foot stress fractures are common among frequent basketballers, injuries to the hips, head, and wrist/hand join the list of common basketball injuries.
If you’ve ever played football, you’ve probably been injured.
Football is one of the most popular sports in the world and is a great source of aerobic exercise. Football players must be aware of the risks for injury.
Sprains and strains are the most common among footballers. Cartilage tears and anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) sprains in the knee are some of the more common injuries, and may even require surgery, depending on the severity.
Other injuries include fractures and contusions from direct blows to the body.
As the upper body is used as a weight-bearing joint in gymnastics, injuries to the shoulder, elbow, and wrist are incredibly.
Typically, these injuries occur in the lower back, as well as sprains and dislocations.
If you get injured while playing any type of sports, you should consult a doctor immediately before it gets worse.