Risk of Injury
Every game is subject to a risk of sports injuries. Despite this, the benefits of participating in sports overshadow the risks that accompany it.
If you participate in sports frequently, there is a greater pertaining to the occurrence of traumatic injury. Overuse is identified as one of the most common injuries amongst young athletes.
The most frequent injuries include stress fractures, strains, and sprains. The major causes of these injuries is excessive stress placed on muscles, bones, joints, and the tendons.
Reducing the Risk of Sports Injuries
Sufficient recovery time is essential when playing sports, so your body has time to heal after the strenuous activity. While different for everyone, athletes typically have one rest day per week depending on the intensity of their training.
It is advised that conditioning exercises are incorporated as part of training to target the core muscle groups that come into play.
It is necessary to make sure that their gears and equipment are protective, fit properly, and are appropriate. This may includes eyewear, face guards, mouthpieces, and helmets.
During the playing season, implementation of proper techniques should be reinforced to prevent any injuries. This means following the rules!
If you experience a sports injury despite practicing these steps, do not delay treatment and consult with a specialist as soon as possible.