How To Prevent Neck Stiffness When Sleeping

Picture of Medically reviewed by Dr Sean Leo

Medically reviewed by Dr Sean Leo

Orthopedic Surgeon, MBBS • MRCS (Edin) • MMed (Ortho) • FRCSEd (Ortho)

Have you ever woken up and experienced unexpected pain brought on by a stiff neck? This can be the result of the position you sleep in as well as the type of pillow you may be using.

How You May Be Causing Neck Stiffness

You may find that you have a preferred position to sleep in every night but did you know that may be the cause of your pain? For example, when sleeping on your stomach, your neck will likely be turned to either side of your body for extended hours at a time.

In fact, you may unknowingly be positioning your neck awkwardly while you sleep which can pull at the muscles of your neck, and place undue strain on the ligaments and joints in the region. Additionally, any sudden movements while you sleep, persistent tossing and turning, or sitting up too abruptly when you wake up may also result in neck stiffness.

Another factor to consider when sleeping is your choice of pillow. It is important to ensure that the pillow you rest your head on maintains a neutral position while you sleep. A neutral position is one where your head and body are aligned with each other without awkward flexing or extension of any muscles. It is important to try a few types of pillows in order to find one that is most suitable for your body.

neck stretching for neck stiffness

What To Do If You Wake-up With A Stiff Neck 

Some helpful ways to manage a stiff neck include:

Neck stretches

While you may not be able to complete some stretches entirely, it is helpful to slowly attempt to increase your neck’s flexibility without causing more harm. It is important to listen to your body, to avoid overexerting it. Gently turning your head to each side to stretch your neck muscles while slowly rubbing the sore region may help to alleviate some of your pain.

Ice therapy or heat therapy

In the minutes when you first wake up and experience the pain of a sore or stiff neck, it might be useful to ice the region if you notice any swelling. Applying an ice pack to the area for approximately 10 to 15 minutes will help to reduce some swelling. Following that, a warm shower or warm compress applied to the region for the same duration (10 to 15 minutes) will help to loosen the strain placed on the muscles. A warm compress might help to improve your ability to move your neck as your muscles start to relax.

ice or heat therapy for neck stiffness


In the event that stretching and ice or heat therapy prove to be unhelpful, or if you are experiencing increased pain, medication such as anti-inflammatories or muscle relaxants will help to alleviate your pain. Do remember to only take such medication at the advice of your physician.


Proper posture

Ensure that you spend your days maintaining proper posture while you stand, sit, or walk to avoid exacerbating your neck.


sitting posture

In the event that you wake up with severe aches, numbness, or weakness in the arms, or if your neck pain is persistent, please consult with your physician immediately.

Speak to Dr Sean Today!

Drop us a message and we will get in touch with you to discuss your needs and arrange for a personal consultation. If you require assistance immediately, you may Whatsapp us at +65 8439 2120. 


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OrthoKinetics is lised on major insurance panels. Our clinic staff are experienced in assisting your
insurance policy claims (personal accident, hospitalisation, or travel) from other companies as well.


Insurance Panels & Claims

OrthoKinetics is lised on major insurance panels. Our clinic staff are experienced in assisting your insurance policy claims (personal accident, hospitalisation, or travel) from other companies as well.
Great Eastern Insurance
Prudential Insurance
Alliance Medinet
MHC Insurance


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