“Circuit Breaker” Measures – When To See A Doctor

Picture of Medically reviewed by Dr Sean Leo

Medically reviewed by Dr Sean Leo

Orthopedic Surgeon, MBBS • MRCS (Edin) • MMed (Ortho) • FRCSEd (Ortho)

circuit breaker

As frontliners and healthcare professionals the world over are battling the rise of Covid-19 cases, it is important that you do your part too. To prevent the further spread of this novel coronavirus, it is advisable to stay home as much as possible and to postpone any elective medical procedures. Doing so ensures that further strains are not placed on the healthcare systems or the frontliners.

It is important to remember although you are staying home, you should be wary of any symptoms you may be having that may require medical attention. Some symptoms are telltale signs of medical emergencies that could have far reaching effects and should not be ignored.

If you experience any of the following symptoms you should consult with a doctor.

circuit breaker

Muscle weakness

If you experience weakness in your limbs or facial muscles that is brought on randomly, consult a doctor immediately. Muscle weaknesses that come about randomly can be a result of a stroke or underlying neurological conditions and should not be ignored.

Sudden onset of knee pain 

If you feel pain in your knees coupled with swelling or popping sounds when you walk, you may have injured one or more of the ligaments in the knee. Continued pressure placed on the knees by walking or other daily activities may cause permanent damage. As such, knee pain that comes about randomly should not be ignored.

Lower back pain

Pain in these regions can often be caused by a slipped disc which places increased pressure on the nerves that surround it. This could lead to intense pain or in more severe instances, numbness down one side of your body or legs. If lower back pain is persistent you should seek medical care to avoid long term problems such as nerve damage.

Sprained or twisted ankle

As you place added strain on your ankles when walking, a twisted or sprain ankle should not be ignored. While the pain may initially seem bearable for some, overtime a sprained or twisted ankle could lead permanent damage of the cartilage, tendons or blood vessels in the region.


It is important to seek immediate medical attention if you experience any of the above symptoms. You should listen to your body and trust what it is trying to tell you.  Always remember to consult a medical professional if you have any concerns.

Speak to Dr Sean Today!

Drop us a message and we will get in touch with you to discuss your needs and arrange for a personal consultation. If you require assistance immediately, you may Whatsapp us at +65 8439 2120. 


Insurance Panels & Claims

OrthoKinetics is lised on major insurance panels. Our clinic staff are experienced in assisting your
insurance policy claims (personal accident, hospitalisation, or travel) from other companies as well.


Insurance Panels & Claims

OrthoKinetics is lised on major insurance panels. Our clinic staff are experienced in assisting your insurance policy claims (personal accident, hospitalisation, or travel) from other companies as well.
Great Eastern Insurance
Prudential Insurance
Alliance Medinet
MHC Insurance


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