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What You Need To Know About Your Shoes

“Your feet serve you much more than you appreciate them. Give them good shoes that fit right.”

No matter how much stylish and attractive your shoes are, if your favourite shoes are causing you pain, it’s time that you replace them with comfortable ones.

Our footwear plays an essential role in providing the support our feet need. A suitable pair of shoes offer proper support to our body, whereas inapt shoes cause discomfort. Improper support can result into any kind of joint pains and affect all major parts of your body. These include your knees, back, hip, feet, heel, and ankles.

In this article, you’ll come to know about the different kinds of pain your shoes might be causing you.

Heel pain: Plantar fasciitis

The most common type of pain that affects the foot is heel pain. If you have a heel pain, you’re probably suffering from plantar fasciitis. This is usually caused by shoes. Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation or irritation of a thick band of tissue which connects the heel to the front of your foot. It supports the arch and generally occurs due to the repeated stress on the foot. It especially occurs in the morning when you get out of bed, you may feel a sharp pain under your heel or in your arch.  

What to wear: Shoes with good arch support and cushioned sole.  

Heel pain: Heel spur

Another kind of foot pain is heel spur. It occurs due to the growth of an extra bone on the bottom of the heel. It is also caused by wearing wrong shoes or sometimes from irregular walking or running.

What to wear: Shoes with shock-absorbing soles. Shoes with a custom-made insert (orthotic), Shoes that fit well. Also, wear a cutout heel pad.

Bottom of foot pain: Calluses

Ill-fitting shoes cause calluses. These are thick, hard patches of skin buildup on the feet or toes. They occur due to pressure or irritation and typically appear on the underside (sole) or on the heel or ball. Pain increases when standing or walking.

What to wear: Shoes that better fit.

Toe pain: Bunions

You can easily spot a bony bulge that protrudes at the base of the big toe. This is a bunion which is usually caused by faulty foot mechanics affecting your way of walking.

What to wear: Shoes with shoe inserts. Shoes that are comfortable.  

Toe pain: Hammertoes

When any of your second, third, or fourth toe bends at the middle joint and looks like a hammer, you have a hammertoe. It occurs due to muscle imbalance or by wearing poor-fitting shoes.  

What to wear: Shoes with soft and roomy toe boxes to accommodate hammertoe.

Toe pain: Ingrown toenails

If a nail grows into the surrounding skin or the skin grows over the nail’s edge on one or both sides of toenail, you get ingrown toenails. This is caused by wearing extremely tight shoes. This can be painful and result into infections.

What to wear: Shoes with high comfort.

Toe pain: Osteoarthritis

This is a common type of pain. It can generally occur to almost anyone. It is caused by wear and tear on the cartilage which acts as a shock absorber between bones. It occurs in the joint at the base of big toe.

What to wear: Shoes with plenty of space for toes. Shoes with stiff soles.

Ball of foot pain: Metatarsalgia

When the ball of your foot becomes painful and inflamed, you’re experiencing metatarsalgia. Ill-fitted shoes are usual culprits but strenuous activities like running and jumping can also cause it.

What to wear: Comfortable and cushioned shoes.

Ball of foot pain: Neuromas

An inflammation or thickening of tissue around the nerves between the bases of toes is called neuromas. It causes pain and numbness over the ball of foot. High heels and tight shoes can be the cause.

What to wear: Shoes with low heels, with shoe inserts and with a wide toe box.

Take good care of your feet as feet are the foundation of your body. Immediately consult your doctor or an Orthopedic surgeon if any of the above mentioned pain aggravates.

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