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Top 12 Tips to Protect Knees on the Golf Course

Contrary to its low-impact nature, golf is usually referred to as a major cause of various leg, or particularly knee, injuries. Whether it’s the overuse or poor mechanics, golf-related injuries are common in every player. Normally, the problems arise in the lower back, wrist and hand, elbow and shoulders because they are frequently used in the sports.

These injuries cannot be cured without seeking help from an Orthopaedic specialist. Players have to pay attention on how they can avoid these injuries. Since nobody wants to compromise over their performance, it is crucial to take good care of the knees as they used to be the fundamental of ensuring good performance.

1.     Short Shots

In case of having mild knee pain, don’t be too harsh with the moves. Start with short shots, and chip or put until the area feels comfortable to proceed further. Don’t think to make long or powerful shots.

2.     Three-Quarter or Half-Swing

If someone is feeling discomfort to swing the knees, it is recommended to take three-quarter or half swing while limiting the angle and power of shot. Keep in mind that nothing is more important than a good performing knee. Always use the angle that doesn’t cause trouble in the swing.

3.     Increased Swings

While playing in the golf course of Singapore, increase the swings gradually instead of jumping to long shots immediately. Always practice with 10 swings and keep check over knee pain and swelling in order to add more swings accordingly.

4.     Golf Cart

If any of the players has a history of knee surgery or anything, then don’t forget to use a golf cart for some time until there is a significant progress in walking and playing shots. Obviously, improvement depends upon the golf course because some have uneven courses as compared to others. The rule of thumb is to plan and inspect the course before playing.

5.     Lead Leg

While playing a shot, turn out the feet gradually in order to avoid exerting high pressure on the knees. Use the lead leg and reduce stress from the knee.

6.     Upright Stance

According to a knee doctor, players should maintain an upright stance in order to control the angle of bending. Their focus should be swing the club to a certain extent that does not trigger or increase knee pain.

7.     Short Irons

For better shots and reduced stress on the knees, use short irons along with soft-spike shoes to support smooth twisting in the knee.

8.     Leg Muscles

Another tip to prevent the knees from injuries, is to prepare leg muscles for golfing. The rule of thumb is to perform some exercises to strengthen muscles. Players should gently stretch their legs in order to minimize stiffness while allowing the muscles to act more actively in the golf course.

9.     Lighter Clubs

With passing age, the chances of sports injuries start to increase. Older players might have to suffer from more knee pain and ache as compared to their juniors. So, what they should be doing is to go for lighter clubs that offer flexible shafts for controlled twisting of the knees.

10.  Longer Clubs

To easily loft the ball, a professional sports doctor suggests to use longer clubs on a case-by-case basis so that it keeps swing at the desired angle. This way, golfers may not suffer from knee pain leading to any significant injuries.

11.  Sitting Position

Keep the knees at such an angle that does not let the body part to roll towards the golf stance. Get a sitting position for buttocks so your knees remain behind the toes.

12.  Orthopaedic surgeon

Even after taking care of the knees, if any golfer encounters a problem during the game, it is recommended to stop playing immediately. If the situation gets serious, there is no better option than to see an Orthopaedic surgeon in Singapore.

With the help of these tips, players are assured about good performance from their knees. Not only do they get successful in the game but also avoid future issue